
Lal Kiado

Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado Artikel-Code: ECHMO
Collected Writings of Sivarama Swami Chant More is but one of the unlimited glimmering facets of the jewel of the holy name.  The chapters are a compilation of inspirational, meditational, and philosophical talks by His Holiness Śivarāma Swami on the subject of japa, saṅkīrtana, harināma, and ..
CHF 12.60
Preis ohne SteuerCHF 12.60
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado Artikel-Code: EGSR
The Gemlike Prayers of Gaudiya Vaisnavas Śivarāma Swami’s graceful rendition of Rūpa Gosvāmī’s and Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura’s eight-stanza poems that serve as meditations on the spiritual master, Caitanya Mahāprabhu, and Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa. The ācāryas have presented these three aṣṭakas as a means to..
CHF 18.90
Preis ohne SteuerCHF 18.90
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado Artikel-Code: EKS
Krsna in Vrindavana - Volume Three: Meetings with Krsna In Seinen Spielen trennt sich Krsna von Seinen Geweihten und trifft sich wieder mit ihnen. Die Zeiträume, in welchen die Gefährten Krsna's von Ihm getrennt sind, sind keine isolierten Ereignisse. Um den Geschmack des rasa (der liebevollen Emot..
CHF 48.60
Preis ohne SteuerCHF 48.60
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado Artikel-Code: ENPH
Krishna in Vrindavan - Volume Two: I am unable to repay you Unter allen Geweihten Krishnas sind die gopis die Herausragendsten. Konsequenterweise ist Krishnas Schuld ihnen gegenüber am grössten. Mit einer Botschaft voll inniger Gefühle erklärt Krishna die Überlegenheit der Liebe der gopis und singt..
CHF 48.60
Preis ohne SteuerCHF 48.60
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado Artikel-Code: ENVM
From the author of the highly acclaimed Kṛṣṇa in Vṛndāvana series comes a nine-volume literary treasure, Nava-vraja-mahimā. In this epic work of over 6'000 pages, Śivarāma Swami reveals the glories of the sacred dhāma through the medium of pastime, parikramā, and philosophy.Volume 1 extols the beaut..
CHF 684.00
Preis ohne SteuerCHF 684.00
Sadhavo Hrdayam Mahyam, Sivarama Swami
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado Artikel-Code: ESHM
Saints are my heart Born from the offense to the Lord’s dear devotee, Ambarisa Maharaja, the meeting between Lord Narayana and Durvasa Muni is intimately retold in conversational dialogue, personalising the discussion in the style of Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s Jaiva Dharma and thus inviting the reader ..
CHF 38.70
Preis ohne SteuerCHF 38.70
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado Artikel-Code: ESAKA
Krsna in Vrndavana - Vol. 5:  A Moonbeam on DeterminationInspired by Śrīla Sanātana Gosvāmī’s Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta and the tireless effort of its central character, Gopa-kumāra, to perfect his devotional service, Saṅkalpa-kaumudī, «A Moonbeam on Determination», casts a unique light on four aspec..
CHF 64.80
Preis ohne SteuerCHF 64.80
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado Artikel-Code: ESDJ
Krsna in Vrndavana - Vol. 4: Lord Damodara's MotherA unique retelling of the damodara-lila focusing on the exceptional mercy received by Mother Yasoda, from whose love for her baby son sprang this most remarkable pastime of the binding power that is the love of Krsna’s sincere devotees.Sivarama Swam..
CHF 48.60
Preis ohne SteuerCHF 48.60
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado Artikel-Code: ESVK1
Krsna in Vrndavana - Vol. 6I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of Śrī Raghunātha Dāsa Gosvāmī, who, in his unwavering desire to please Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī, disclosed the contents of his heart by composing this plaintive flower-offering of prayers, Śrī Vilāpa-kusumāñjali. The service o..
CHF 108.00
Preis ohne SteuerCHF 108.00
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado Artikel-Code: ESVK2
Krsna in Vrndavana - Vol. 7Volume Two of Śrī Vilāpa-kusumāñjali covers verses 18-32, as we become privy to Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī’s personal quarters, and her morning time duties; bathing, dressing and ornamentation. Raghunātha Dāsa Gosvāmī is absorbed in meditation on how he, as Rati-mañjarī, aspires to..
CHF 108.00
Preis ohne SteuerCHF 108.00
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado Artikel-Code: ESVK3
Krsna in Vrndavana - Vol. 8Vilāpa-kusumāñjali refers to «a handful of flower-like offerings of piteous cries.» The 104 verses are like an outpouring of the deepest longings of the author for attainment of the eternal service of Śrī Rādhā. Volume Three continues where Volume Two left off, in the cham..
CHF 108.00
Preis ohne SteuerCHF 108.00
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado Artikel-Code: ESBC
The Touchstone of Pure Devotional Service In Suddha-bhakti-cintamani macht Sivarama Swami wichtige Aussagen für alle Gottgeweihten, indem er die Entwicklung von Glaube, Anziehung und Hingabe durch regulierten hingebungsvollen Dienst beschreibt. Was er in diesem Buch festgehalten hat, ist von unerme..
CHF 64.80
Preis ohne SteuerCHF 64.80
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