Artikel-Code: EBHBH
The Emotional Dynamics of a Devotee
«No better activities exist than what we are doing in Krishna-consciousness. The richness of rendering service to Krishna is not about money or possessions, it's about the opulences of the heart. No matter what you do, if your heart is not satisfied, you won't th..
CHF 8.10
NettoCHF 8.10
Verlag / Marke: Bhakti Vikas Trust
Artikel-Code: EBIKC
Quotes from Srila Prabhupada and others especially relevant to brahmacaris
Dieses Buch kann durchaus als «Handbuch» für das brahmacari-Leben (das enthaltsame Leben als Mönch oder Nonne, insbesondere was die Sexualität betrifft) bezeichnet werden. Es besteht aus unverblümter praktischer Anleitung in..
CHF 19.80
NettoCHF 19.80
Verlag / Marke: Saranagati Publishing
Artikel-Code: EBRON
A Story of Transformation
The title of this book «Broken Names» was chosen because this book is about the holy name, or more specifically, faith in the holy name. As long as our faith is broken, we can offer only broken names to Krishna. That is painful both for us as well as Him.In this novel, Vis..
CHF 14.85
NettoCHF 14.85
Artikel-Code: EDIDE
From surface to substance – The 3 layers of spiritual institutions
It is a fact that our consciousness determines our experience. The Holy Name is Lord Krsna Himself – but who can hear it? The Holy Land of Vrindavan is non-different from the spiritual world – but who can perceive it? From every syl..
CHF 7.20
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Artikel-Code: EFTA
The Path of Dedication – Vol. 1
Spiritual guides are necessary for the attainment of that transcendent peak, divine union. Swami B.R. Sridhar, however, reminds his audience that an earnest desire to know the truth eventually matures into pure spiritual attraction, and does not happen overnight. The..
CHF 14.85
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Artikel-Code: EFMY
From my heart is a diary of Sacinandana Swami and his experiences & reflections during his different retreats, preaching programs, travel engagements and solitude sabbaticals which he shares openly with his friends and disciples.You will certainly get inspired to go deeper into your practices of..
CHF 6.30
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Artikel-Code: EHSKC
Many devotee parents are finding that traditional schools do not offer a spiritually nourishing environment for their children, and an increasig number are choosing to homeschool. This guide will help you instill in your children strong Krishna conscious values while giving them a solid academic edu..
CHF 12.60
NettoCHF 12.60
Verlag / Marke: Hari-Nama Press
Artikel-Code: ELEAD1
Administration from a Metaphysical Perspective
«Leadership in any capacity has taken on such awesome proportions that even the best leaders must find innovative and creative ways to deal with today's complex situations. "Leadership for an Age of Higher Consciousness: Administration from a Metaphysi..
CHF 21.60
NettoCHF 21.60
Verlag / Marke: Hari-Nama Press
Artikel-Code: ELEAD2
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times
In this sequel to the authors internationally acclaimed «Leadership for an Age of Higher Consciousness – Vol. 1: Administration from a Metaphysical Perspective», His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami explores the greatness of two famous leaders from the Vedic tradition of..
CHF 21.60
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Artikel-Code: ENATA
Nama Tattva has been compiled from lectures, darsanas and informal talks delivered by Srila Gour Govinda Goswami between Janmastami, 14 August 1990 and Janmastami 2 September 1991.Srila Gour Govinda Swami would speak at length on «Nama Aparadha», the ten offences to avoid while chanting the Holy Nam..
CHF 8.10
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Artikel-Code: ESICH
Returning to God's Process for Making Disciples
The simple revolution has begun. From the design of the iPod to the uncluttered Google home page, simple ideas are changing the world. Simple Church clearly calls for Christians to return to the simple gospel-sharing methods of Jesus. No bells or whis..
CHF 21.60
NettoCHF 21.60
Artikel-Code: ESCN
Ancient Sense for Modern Success
Though he was an impoverished Brahmana scholar, Canakya Pandita created one of the largest empires in ancient times. In the same era that Buddha walked the Earth, this indomitable sage united many disjointed kingdoms from modern day Bihar to Iran using only his ..
CHF 16.20
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