Autobiography of an American Swami
About the Narration
Through near-fatal encounters, apprenticeships with advanced yogis, and years of travel along the pilgrim’s path, Radhanath Swami eventually reaches the inner sanctum of India’s mystical culture and finds the love he has been seeking. His is a tale told with rare candor that immerses the reader in a journey at once engaging, humorous, and heartwarming.
This audiobook presents a rare opportunity for listeners to have an incredibly intimate and personal experience with a globally respected and sought-after guru as he speaks on the details of his own life. Supplemented with atmospheric music and an array of sound effects reminiscent of classic radio dramas, this audiobook will fascinate listeners for hours.
About the Author
Radhanath Swami was born in Chicago in 1950. At age nineteen, he traveled overland from London to India, where he lived in Himalayan caves, learned yoga from revered masters, and eventually became a world-renowned spiritual leader in his own right. His acclaimed memoir, The Journey Home, has been translated into over twenty languages and sold in over forty countries worldwide.
Radhanath Swami presently travels in Asia, Europe, and America teaching devotional wisdom but can often be found with his community in Mumbai, where he works tirelessly to help develop communities, food distribution initiatives, missionary hospitals, schools, ashrams, emergency relief programs, and eco-friendly farms.
Audio CDs (16er Set), mit CD-Box und 30-seitiger Broschüre «The Journey Within», 19 Std. Spielzeit (in Englisch)
- Lager: Vorrätig
- Verlag / Marke: Mandala Publishing
- Artikel-Code: CDTJH
- Gewicht: 0.56kg
- Euro-Preis: 72,00
- Sprache: English