Reflections on Departed Vaishnavas
In prosecuting the Hare krishna movement all over the world, Srila Prabhupada was looking for just a single moon – one devotee to be trained and engaged in dissipating the darkness of the Age of Kali, the darkness in people’s hearts – in accordance with the Sanskrit maxim «Innumerable stars cannot dissipate the darkness, but one moon can illuminate the whole sky».
In spite of many difficulties and disappointments, Srila Prabhupada persisted in his mission – to get one moon. That was his great desire. After some years in America teaching his new students the philosophy of Krishna consciousness, instructing them in the pure chanting of the holy name, and training them in the loving service of Sri Krishna, Srila Prabhupada disclosed his heart. He explained: «Our propaganda is to create one moon. But fortunately, by Krishna’s grace, many moonlike boys and girls have come to me – many moons».
Many Moons is an appreciation of nine devotees (Jayananda das, Gour Govinda Swami, Tamal Krishna Goswami, Sridhar Swami, BhaktaTirtha Swami, Bhaktisvarupa Damodar Swami, Arca-Vigraha dasi, Abhirama Thakura das, and Kirtida dasi) who heard from or were inspired by Srila Prabhupada and who dedicated themselves to his service. Their examples will help increase our gratitude for those who have devoted themselves to the service of Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga.
358 Seiten, 16 Seiten Farbbilder, gebunden mit Schutzumschlag
- Lager: Vorrätig
- Verlag / Marke: Torchlight Publishing
- Artikel-Code: EMM
- Gewicht: 0.68kg
- Euro-Preis: 26,20
- Sprache: English