
Creation, Rasamandala Das

Creation, Rasamandala Das
Creation, Rasamandala Das

A story from ancient India

Who will enjoy this book?
 • Ideal for Religious Education Students (Key Stages 2 and 3)
 • Designed also for Hindu children and members of Vaishnava traditions
 • Suitable for all children learning about world cultures (9-14 years old)
 • Insightful information for RE teachers and specialists

What are its key features?
 • Key points on beliefs & practices within Hinduism (Sanatana-dharma)
 • Unique overview of main deities (the Trimurti, Shakti, Krishna, Rama, etc.)
 • Retold and illustrated by members of the tradition
 • Exemplifies an inclusive, reflective approach towards religion & spirituality
 • Relevant to the environment and related values (e.g. non-violence)
 • Includes index, glossary, and references to further resources
 • Authentic and thoroughly-researched text
 • Over fifty original full-color illustrations by Ananta Shakti Das

Whom is it by?
 • Rasamandala Das has written extensively on the Hindu tradition and is author of «The Heart of Hinduism» teaching pack. He runs an educational consultancy in Oxford and is co-director of ISKCON Educational Services.
 • Ananta Shakti Das is a practicing member of the Vaishnava tradition. He has illustrated many books, including «Vedic Stories from Ancient India» and best-selling versions of «The Panchatantra» and «The Mahabharata».

64 Seiten (in Englisch!), durchgehend farbig illustriert, fadengebunden

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  • Lager: Vorrätig
  • Artikel-Code: ECREA
  • Gewicht: 0.54kg
  • Euro-Preis: 21,60
  • Sprache: English
CHF 23.85
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