
Einführung in die Veden

Verlag / Marke: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Artikel-Code: EBGKC
Lies dieses Büchlein und gib Deinem Leben einen höheren Sinn! Es enthält alles, was es braucht, um in das Krishna-Bewusstsein einzusteigen. Eine einfach verständliche Anleitung für tägliche Praktiken, die uns näher zu Krishna bringen. Viele praktische Informationen sind enthalten, insbesondere für ..
CHF 5.40
NettoCHF 5.40
Verlag / Marke: Saranagati Publishing Artikel-Code: EAOTF
Aus der Reihe: Saranagati Books Aus dem Vorwort: Spirituelle Kulturen über die ganze Welt haben immer versucht die innere Entwicklung der Menschheit zu unterstützen. Im Zentrum dieser Entwicklung steht die Transformation des Charakters. Sogar die moderne Psychologie und die Bewegungen für Persönli..
CHF 7.20
NettoCHF 7.20
Verlag / Marke: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Artikel-Code: EBTG
The Magazine of the Hare Krishna Movement (Chef-Editor: Nagaraja Dasa) Back to Godhead ist ein 64 Farb-Seiten umfassendes Magazin, welches alle Aspekte der Philosophie und der Praxis des Krishna-Bewusstseins behandelt, so wie es von Srila Prabhupada gelehrt wurde, dem Gründer der Hare Krishna Beweg..
CHF 42.30
NettoCHF 42.30
Verlag / Marke: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Artikel-Code: ECH
The Power of Mantra Meditation – Featuring exclusive Conversations with John Lennon and George Harrison Chant and be Happy explains the power of mantra meditation and how it can bring you ultimate self-awareness and put you in touch with the supreme pleasure priciple. Ph.D. Daniel Goleman: The abi..
CHF 5.40
NettoCHF 5.40
Verlag / Marke: Rasbihari Lal & Sons Artikel-Code: ECHRK
Where the Jordan meets the Ganges This book offers insight into the mystical aspect of the religious journey. Its intent is to highlight the harmony of spiritual truth, not the divisiveness that often separates religious traditions. This is achieved through the medium of a story – a dialogue betwee..
CHF 13.95
NettoCHF 13.95
Verlag / Marke: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Artikel-Code: ECB
The Science of Reincarnation Based on Srila Prabhupada’s teachings, Coming Back answers many common questions concerning the mystery and mechanism of reincarnation. In presenting their clear and complete explanations, the authors cite both modern data as well as timeless sources of knowledg..
CHF 5.40
NettoCHF 5.40
Artikel-Code: ECREA
A story from ancient India Who will enjoy this book?  • Ideal for Religious Education Students (Key Stages 2 and 3)  • Designed also for Hindu children and members of Vaishnava traditions  • Suitable for all children learning about world cultures (9-14 years old)  • Ins..
CHF 23.85
NettoCHF 23.85
Verlag / Marke: Chaitanya Academy Artikel-Code: EDOE
A Glimpse into the Path of Bhakti-Yoga This book consists of a variety of philosophical discourses given by Sri Prem Prayojan Prabhu in Europe and India. These lectures are based on the teachings of the Vedas, the ancient Sanskrit texts of India, which offer wide perspectives and deep answers to th..
CHF 19.80
NettoCHF 19.80
Verlag / Marke: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Artikel-Code: EIESS
Evolve Your Vision – Change Your World This book invites you to evolve your vision and base your happiness on a deeper, more spiritual understanding of reality. It addresses life’s big questions like what is the soul, who am I, what is the mind and how does it influence me, what happens when we die..
CHF 9.00
NettoCHF 9.00
Artikel-Code: EINYO
Entering the Heart of the Tradition Inner Yoga takes you on a journey of self-discovery, exploring through yoga the rich layers of consciousness in a warm, intimate, empowering journey inward. Using asanas, breathing, and meditation, this book will deepen your practice by teaching you the inner mea..
CHF 21.60
NettoCHF 21.60
Verlag / Marke: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Artikel-Code: EOWTK
We are all searching after happiness, but few of us know that the basis of real happiness is something eternal, beyond temporary material things. We are trying to get happiness through this temporary material body; therefore we are frustrated. The spirit soul is eternal, and the Supreme Lord is eter..
CHF 5.40
NettoCHF 5.40
Verlag / Marke: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Artikel-Code: EPQPA
Conversations between His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and Bob Cohen, a Peace Corps worker in India Eine wahre Begebenheit: Die Suche nach dem Sinn des Lebens bringt einen jungen Entwicklungshelfer halbwegs um die Erde, an einen entlegenen Ort im Herzen Bengalens. Dort, in einer..
CHF 7.20
NettoCHF 7.20
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