
God is a Person, Dr. T. D. Singh

God is a Person, Dr. T. D. Singh
God is a Person, Dr. T. D. Singh

Reflections of Two Nobel Laureates: Charles H. Townes and William D. Phillips

Dr. T.D. Singh (H.H. Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami) discusses with Charles H. Townes, inventor of the laser and maser, and William D. Phillips, pioneer in laser cooling of atoms, about the prime importance of their relationships with a personal God and the importance of spirituality in science.

Are God and His personality mere imagination of the human mind, or does God really exist with divine attributes?

111 Seiten (in Englisch!), mit Abbildungen und Illustrationen, broschiert

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  • Lager: Vorrätig
  • Verlag / Marke: Bhaktivedanta Institute
  • Artikel-Code: EGIAP
  • Gewicht: 0.18kg
  • Euro-Preis: 8,10
  • Sprache: English
CHF 9.00
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