Artikel-Code: EGGBS
Jayadeva Gosvami’s main work is Gita Govinda, depicting the love of Radha and Krishna. The famous description of the ten avataras is included in it at the beginning. Through this work, the ten avataras became well known. Krishna is not included as one of the ten avataras, but is regarded by Jayadeva..
CHF 19.80
NettoCHF 19.80
Verlag / Marke: Tulsi Books
Artikel-Code: EGITS
Enriching the Experience of Bhagavad-gita Study
This book is a systematic study guide for the Bhagavad-gita. Gita Subodhini unveils the exciting structure and flow of the Gita by giving the connections between its chapters, subsections and verses in a lucid and colourful manner. It gives a bird’s e..
CHF 19.80
NettoCHF 19.80
Verlag / Marke: Tulsi Books
Artikel-Code: EISOS
Enriching the Experience of Sri Isopanisad Study
Read, recollect and relish the essential Vedic wisdom of «Sri Isopanisad», based on the commentaries of Srila Prabhupada, Srila Baldev Vidyabhushana and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, concisely and lucidly presented by Gauranga Darshan Das , for providi..
CHF 6.30
NettoCHF 6.30
Verlag / Marke: Golden Age Media
Artikel-Code: EJAIDH
The essential function of the soul
The Jaiva-dharma of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura is one of the greatest waves in the nectar-ocean of transcendental literature that the Thakura gifted to this parched world lost in the desert of materialism. Completed in the year 1896, it is recognized as a central ..
CHF 34.20
NettoCHF 34.20
Verlag / Marke: Rasbihari Lal & Sons
Artikel-Code: EKK
The Krsna-karnamrta by Bilvamangala Thakura was one of Lord Caitanya's favorite works. He would often listen to his secretary, Svarupa Damodara Gosvami, chant verses from the Karnamrta during the latter portion of his pastimes in Jagannatha Puri. The poetry of the Karnamrta is unsurpassed in Va..
CHF 8.10
NettoCHF 8.10
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado
Artikel-Code: EKS
Krsna in Vrindavana - Volume Three: Meetings with Krsna
In Seinen Spielen trennt sich Krsna von Seinen Geweihten und trifft sich wieder mit ihnen. Die Zeiträume, in welchen die Gefährten Krsna's von Ihm getrennt sind, sind keine isolierten Ereignisse. Um den Geschmack des rasa (der liebevollen Emot..
CHF 48.60
NettoCHF 48.60
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado
Artikel-Code: ENPH
Krishna in Vrindavan - Volume Two: I am unable to repay you
Unter allen Geweihten Krishnas sind die gopis die Herausragendsten. Konsequenterweise ist Krishnas Schuld ihnen gegenüber am grössten. Mit einer Botschaft voll inniger Gefühle erklärt Krishna die Überlegenheit der Liebe der gopis und singt..
CHF 48.60
NettoCHF 48.60
Verlag / Marke: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
Artikel-Code: ENBS
The secrets of transcendental love
Down through the ages, highly evolved souls of both the East and the West have taught that we can attain perfect, pure, and eternal love only when we learn to love God. Bhakti-yoga, the science of devotion, teaches us this art. And there is no greater teacher than..
CHF 13.50
NettoCHF 13.50
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado
Artikel-Code: ENVM
From the author of the highly acclaimed Kṛṣṇa in Vṛndāvana series comes a nine-volume literary treasure, Nava-vraja-mahimā. In this epic work of over 6'000 pages, Śivarāma Swami reveals the glories of the sacred dhāma through the medium of pastime, parikramā, and philosophy.Volume 1 extols the beaut..
CHF 684.00
NettoCHF 684.00
Verlag / Marke: Rasbihari Lal & Sons
Artikel-Code: EPADY
Anthology of devotional Poetry
The purpose of this book is nicely described in the very first verse: «This Padyavali (Anthology of Poetry) was written by devotees expert in the mellows of devotional service. This book contains many beautiful verses, which have been collected for the pleasure of the..
CHF 19.24 CHF 29.60
NettoCHF 19.24
Verlag / Marke: Rasbihari Lal & Sons
Artikel-Code: EPV
Divine Transformations of Spiritual Love
This book very enchantingly describes some of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhus pastimes in Navadvipa, before He took up sannyasa - twenty chapters on experiencing the divine ecstasy of love of Godhead. Further the book delineates the Lord's exemplary Vaisnava dealin..
CHF 8.10
NettoCHF 8.10
Artikel-Code: EPKK
Krsna is attracted by Love
This book, Premakarsita Krsna, is compiled from lectures given by Caitanya Candra Dasa, the temple president of Sri Sri Radha Gopaljiu temple in Gadaigiri. Caitanya Candra Dasa is a Senior disciple of Srila Gour Govinda Swami. Gadaigiri is a village in Jagatsinghpur distr..
CHF 16.20
NettoCHF 16.20