The Juhu Story
In August 1965, a few weeks before Srila Prabhupada left for America, on his way to see Srimati Sumati Morarji, the shipping magnate who secured him passage to the US, he passed a neglected four-acre plot of land near her residence on Juhu Beach, outside Bombay, and thought it would be a nice location for a Radha-Krishna temple.
It took thirteen years – including six years of battling the crooked landlord, his agents, and corrupt municipal officials, all the while enduring terrible hardships, facing a score of obstacles, and responding with tremendous sacrifice and perseverance – for Srila Prabhupada’s vision to be realized. On January 14, 1978, Makara Sankranti, two months after Srila Prabhupada departed from this world, the Sri Sri Radha-Rasabihari temple was finally inaugurated by his dedicated disciples.
«Writing the book was itself a monumental task and took even longer than building the temple, but devotees from all over the world came forward to help. One began conducting interviews and organizing the material, another designed a «Juhubase» reference tool, and a team of devotees contributed to the book’s editing, indexing, layout, and other areas of production.» [Giriraj Swami]
757 Seiten, 38 Seiten mit Fotos, gebunden mit Schutzumschlag
- Lager: Vorrätig
- Verlag / Marke: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
- Artikel-Code: EIBYT
- Gewicht: 1.20kg
- Euro-Preis: 27,00
- Sprache: English